Getting Healthy, Our Story!

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Below you will read about the first part of our Health journey. My hubby quickly jumped on board in 2015 with me because his health was deteriorating quick! Fast forward to now 2018, we still take the same Supplements religiously every day! We added exercise a year ago and continually strive to eat fresh and healthy! So in 3 years, we have completely changed our health, body fat, and life! I am still NOT on M.S. meds! I research every holistic avenue to help me and my family stay healthy and happy! What we have discovered for the importance of overall health is Gut Health, Blood sugar balance and inflammation are the most underlying root problem to most health problems! Take care of that and see how your health, weight, pain, fatigue etc. will start subsiding! Remember, on average for every year you have been unhealthy, it will take 1-2 months of reversing it. We were very unhealthy for over 7 years, so our journey has taken longer but, if you don’t start changing your health right now, you will continue to get worse and your Dr’s will prescribe all the meds that mask and bandage the actual problem!

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In 2011, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I did not believe the results, so I had a lumbar puncture done to have my marrow tested. The results were positive. It is a lifelong disease as they say and no cure, they say your quality of life will start going downhill. I was not ready and still not ready to accept that. I chose not to get on any meds and I researched everything I could. I avoided things like gluten, sodas, processed food etc. I was able to maintain an active life with my family and work but the extreme amount of pain I was in just kept getting worse. In June 2015, I started using supplements because a friend of mine, who I trust, kept posting things on FB and I started seeing that she was really seeing results. I wanted to take the plunge, so I signed up as Ambassador from the start. It has been 2 months now and here is a list of exciting results I am experiencing.

Us in June 2018!!!

We had just started supplements in June 2015…

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