Slowly Sinking On A Sailboat, What Nightmares Are Made Of! | Ep 37

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Boats are always slowly sinking and require constant upkeep. We’re seeking a freshwater leak, no a fan of losing drinking water. We’re dismantling the boat to find every leak. I’m so glad we solved it; nothing is more unnerving than the water pump turning on when you’re not using water.

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Slowly Sinking On A Sailboat, What Nightmares Are Made Of! | Ep 37

This video covers the regular maintenance we do on our sailboat, including toilet repair, which is a constant headache. We have to replace both flush water valves on our Dometic vacuum toilets. However, that wasn’t the only leak causing us issues; the major leak was surprisingly simple yet odd.

The bilges on a boat should never be neglected; check them at least a few times a week. At the marina, we wash down the bilge with a hose, clean the shower sumps, and remove barnacles from the sensors, which took most of the day, but as always, my babe had a great meal ready.

We’ve received our new solar panels. Krannich delivered the Aptos 440-watt bifacial panels and helped me get them onto the sailboat. Installation, including a new solar arch, is scheduled for next week, hopefully. Left their information below. They are a global solar provider.

After all that, Danielle was ready to get off the boat. We made our first stop at smash burgers, a treat after months of cooking ourselves. The grocery store was next to restock fresh veggies. Stay tuned for next week’s preparations to leave Titusville Marina.

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